Copy-Paste Editing:
( Read this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to perform this basic video-editing operation with QuickEditor. )
Every Editing Session is started by Opening or Creating a MOVIE. You may also need to open a CLIP. 1) Create or open a MOVIE. The MOVIE is the QuickTime movie you can edit in QuickEditor. You can modify it in any way you want. You can add sound or video sequences to it, apply Video Effects to it, delete parts of it...
The MOVIE is displayed, controlled and modified from the MOVIE Panel. Any QuickTime movie can be opened in the MOVIE Panel, using the Open MOVIE... command in the File Menu, or the "eject" button on the MOVIE Panel . You can also create an empty MOVIE with the New MOVIE... command in the File Menu.
( MOVIE Panel )
(Eject Button)
2) Open a CLIP. The CLIP is the QuickTime movie or Image file that you will take parts of to include in your MOVIE. You can't modify or save the CLIP.
Open a QuickTime movie, or an Image file (.bmp, .jpg, ...) using the Open CLIP... command in the File Menu, or using the "eject" button on the CLIP Panel.
( CLIP Panel )Now that both a CLIP and a MOVIE are open, let's take a sequence from the CLIP and paste it somewhere in the MOVIE. 3) Select the part of the CLIP you want to insert in the MOVIE (step 1 of 2). Go to the beginning of the sequence of interest, and press the "Set Start Point" button on the CLIP Panel.
( on the CLIP Panel )
( on the CLIP Panel )
4) Select the part of the CLIP you want to insert in the MOVIE (step 2 of 2). Go to the end of the sequence of interest, and press the "Set End Point" button. The sequence located between the Start and End Points is called the Selection. Since we're in the CLIP Panel, we'll call it the CLIP Selection.
( on the CLIP Panel )
( on the CLIP Panel )
5) Choose a place in the MOVIE where you want to insert the CLIP Selection In this exemple, let's insert the CLIP Selection at the beginning of the MOVIE. Go to the beginning of the MOVIE and press the "Start Point Button" on the MOVIE Panel.
( on the MOVIE Panel )
( on the MOVIE Panel )
6) Insert the CLIP Selection in the MOVIE. Now that you have a CLIP Selection, and chosen where to insert it in the MOVIE, proceed with the editing by selecting the right command in the Edit Menu.
The CLIP Selection has now been inserted at the beginning of the MOVIE. You can continue editing, repeating steps 2 to 6 with different CLIPs.